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Headphone Amp Vote_lcapHeadphone Amp Voting_barHeadphone Amp Vote_rcap 
Headphone Amp Vote_lcapHeadphone Amp Voting_barHeadphone Amp Vote_rcap 
Headphone Amp Vote_lcapHeadphone Amp Voting_barHeadphone Amp Vote_rcap 
Headphone Amp Vote_lcapHeadphone Amp Voting_barHeadphone Amp Vote_rcap 
Headphone Amp Vote_lcapHeadphone Amp Voting_barHeadphone Amp Vote_rcap 
Headphone Amp Vote_lcapHeadphone Amp Voting_barHeadphone Amp Vote_rcap 
Headphone Amp Vote_lcapHeadphone Amp Voting_barHeadphone Amp Vote_rcap 
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 Headphone Amp

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PostSubject: Headphone Amp   Headphone Amp Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 4:53 pm

My iPod was stolen recently so I decided to start from scratch with my audio setup.

I'm getting a pair of Shure SRH440s, and since I've never owned a pair of headphones that needed an amp I'm not sure exactly what I need.

Will this amp be good enough? The specs say it outputs 100mW under a 32ohm load.
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PostSubject: Re: Headphone Amp   Headphone Amp Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 10:03 am

I have a Fiio E5 I run with Alessandro MS1is. Nice enough little amp, although, if you can afford the extra $35-40, I'd say go right to a JDSLabs Cmoy or PA2V2. I just got a Penguin Caffeine Cmoy in the mail yesterday, and the difference is pretty drastic from the E5.
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