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SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_lcapSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Voting_barSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_rcap 
SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_lcapSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Voting_barSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_rcap 
SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_lcapSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Voting_barSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_rcap 
SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_lcapSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Voting_barSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_rcap 
SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_lcapSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Voting_barSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_rcap 
SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_lcapSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Voting_barSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_rcap 
SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_lcapSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Voting_barSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_rcap 
SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_lcapSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Voting_barSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_rcap 
SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_lcapSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Voting_barSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_rcap 
SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_lcapSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Voting_barSuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Vote_rcap 


 SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi!

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Posts : 4
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Join date : 2011-10-08

SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Empty
PostSubject: SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi!   SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi! Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 8:02 pm

Hello everyone. My name is jaysin, I am the founder of SuperRoot-Techs and would like to extend a hello to all the techies on here.

Your forum is pretty cool. Id be happy to take some pointers from you guys, it would be much appreciated.

If you would like to check us out, please do. We need some new members, moderators and helpers around.

Peace Love = rEVOLution
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SuperRoot-Techs stopping by to say hi!
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